Assemble And Disassemble Computer in System Unit

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Having A disassemble And assemble is not easy it requires knowledgeable enough to do it properly.
indeed thoroughly as an I.C.T (information communication technology) I already have a knowledge that is needed to be required of.

here are the steps that I Needed to follow:

  • Step 1 here are steps for Disassemble that we need to follow
  • Unplugging
  • Opening the Outer Shell And Case
  • Removing The System Fun
  • Removing the CPU fun
  • CD/DVD Drive
  • Hard Drive
        Memory or (RAM)     

        Step 2 For Assemble  

  • Prepare your workplace
  • Prepare the motherboard
  • Install the CPU
  • Install the CPU heat sink
  • Install memory(RAM) 
  • Connect the power supply
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